Tuesday, November 17, 2009

insulating the bathroom

We're at a point where we have so much to do we can't decide what should be done next. We know we have to demolish the kitchen walls- gut it entirely, so that the electrician can get in there and do his thing before the cabinets are delivered on December 11th. But I refuse to tear down the walls in the kitchen before we finish the bathroom- the idea of two exposed rooms during some of the coldest months terrifies me. So in an effort to rush and get stuff done in the bathroom Ben began insulating the remaining walls last night.
He also did a little demo on the areas that still had old sheetrock so that tomorrow night he can work on closing them all up..
The wall over the sink is all set for our new medicine cabinet (it arrived today)..
We opted to go with Restoration Hardware's frameless inset cabinet. It's just so much heavier than we thought it would be so we're also going to have to install some additional support so that it doesn't just rip right out of the wall.

If you've been following our adventures from the beginning I'm sure you'll remember that originally we weren't going to do a medicine cabinet (you can read about it here). Originally I was hoping to install a floor to ceiling cabinet with a flush door. Unfortunately plans changed when the electrical wiring was installed where the cabinet was supposed to go- we didn't really think about light switches until the electrician started. So once the switches were installed Ben and I started thinking about a new storage solution. I have always loved the quality of Restoration Hardware bathware, so once we decided the easiest, fastest and most practical solution for us was a medicine cabinet, RH was the only place I considered looking. I loved the simplicity of the frameless option and luckily they offered a large and small version. With our added height (you can read about demolishing the dropped ceiling here), and with our need for storage, I obviously went with their biggest size. And now our 70 lb. medicine cabinet awaits while the rest of the sheetrock is installed.

What the rest of our week looks like..
On Wednesday the plumber returns to remove the toilet and pedestal.. The floor tile will be installed on Thursday and by Friday evening we should have a working bathroom once again.

In the meantime I'm considering taking a mini vacation while the toilet is inoperable. Any suggestions?

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